Christmas Colouring 2023

Christmas Colouring Competition Age Categories: – 4 and under – 5-8 years old – 9-12 years old Please return all entries to the Marx Real Estate Office at 75 Murray Street, Angaston for displaying by 23rd November or before. DOWNLOAD THE...


Easter Colouring Competition Age Categories: – 4 and under – 5-8 years old – 9-12 years old Please return all entries to the Marx Real Estate Office at 75 Murray Street, Angaston for displaying by 3rd April or before. DOWNLOAD THE...

Top 10 selling tips

One of the most commonly asked questions I get asked as a Real Estate Agent is – what can I do to add more value to my house and how do I present my house for sale…… When you think about it, there is a pretty simple formula to follow:- First impressions count In my...